Claro Skin Clinic

Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery developed in the 1930s by Frederic Mohs at the University of Wisconsin, is a highly specialised technique
used in the removal of
skin cancers.

Mohs surgery is now widely recognised as the "gold standard" treatment for the total removal of difficult skin cancers.


Mohs surgery is regarded as the definitive treatment of basal cell carcinoma (also known as BCCs or rodent ulcers).

There is evidence to support the use of Mohs surgery for larger high risk basal cell carcinomas located in the centre of the face, around the eyes, nose, lips and ears. Mohs is a very precise surgical technique whereby individual skin layers of cancerous tissue are removed and examined under a microscope one at a time until all cancerous tissue has been removed. The Improving Outcomes for Skin Cancers state

that increased access to Mohs surgery will improve outcomes for this group of patients. Mohs has shown overall cure rates of 99% for primary tumours and 94.5% for recurrent tumours.

This process ensures total removal of the cancer preserving as much normal tissue as possible whilst achieving the best cure rates for basal cell carcinomas.